Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Depository of Geek: Let's build The USS Enterprise!

I came across this article on Yahoo and I had to share and comment on it.  The article can be found here.  Basically this electrical and systems engineer, with 30 years of experience, has this website called  On this site he theorized that we could build the USS Enterprise from Star Trek in 20 years time at a total cost of $1 trillion dollars.

He goes on to lay out a detailed time table:  The first nine years would be dedicated to research, component testing, and drawing up a number of possible blueprints. The following 11 years dedicated to development, where components would be manufactured and launched into space for assembly.  This gentleman claims we have the beginings of the technology needed for this colosal undertaking right now.

Now I am a pretty big Star Trek fan, but in truth I don't see the point in theorizing about how to build the Enterprise or even consider the undertaking at all.  I can respect this gentleman for his knowledge of engineering and his obvious love for Trek.  But this whole thing is kinda pointless.  Even if we have the abilities and know-how to build a ship like this, why should we?  I mean let's be honest with one another here and say right away that the design of the Enterprise, in all of its incarnations, was based more on asthetic concerns and less on pracitical engineering.  We have no idea if a ship that resembles the Enterprise would be able to travel through space well.  I would bet not. 

In addition, who would take on this massive project, the United States or a group of nations? And if so, is any country going to want to spend $50 billion a year on the research and development?   I think the answer to that latter question is no. 

I just feel this is a cool idea but certainly something that does not need any further thought or time.  I can respect this gentleman for putting his know-how to work on something that is kinda cool in nature.  I would just ask that he re-focus his engineering talents on projects that can make a real impact on those down here on Earth. 

The Enterprise is one of the best Sci-Fi ships in all of film and television.  It should remain that way. A ship that spurs our dreams and gets children excited about science in all of its forms.  Let's leave it to the realm of cimena, television, and our imagination. 

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