Monday, June 2, 2014

Come and get your hot set pictures for Episode VII here!

Earlier today TMZ put up set photos from the production of Episode VII in Abu Dhabi.  You can find them here.  The film has been shooting there for almost a week now.  The photos reveal the above pig-nosed creature, extras on set in costume and areas on the set itself.  It is really not anything terribly interesting if I am being honest and I am a Star Wars fan here.

However, the above creature does confirm that JJ Abrams and the producers on the film are going back to practical builds on the creatures for the film and more physical sets rather that green screens.  This a welcome change after the pixel fest that was the prequels.  I am sure it is better for the actors involved to have practical sets and creatures to act off of.  Now I know there will still be CG in this movie, there has to be.  But I am encouraged by the fact that there will be a return to some of the brick and mortar approach the original trilogy used.

Other than that, there is not much else to gleaned from these images.  Of course, one could assume that the planet we are looking at here in these photos is indeed the unofficial Skywalker home world of Tattooine.
That is a pretty easy guess here and one made by many a Star Wars fan.

As a short aside, what does surprise me a bit is the jump to negativity by fans of Star Wars as each new thing related to Episode VII is released.  I have seen several people go on rants about how it is uninspired choice to return to Tattooine again and indicates that Episode VII will lack in anything new or interesting.  The funny thing is we don't know this is indeed Tattooine in these images.  Perhaps we are going to be introduced to another desert planet similar to Tattooine.  The odds are against this, if you look at sheer probabilities.  But there is a chance.

Secondly, just because Tattooine may be involved does not mean the film itself will lack creativity or originality.  I am very much skeptical about the quality of Episode VII at this point, but I really can't make judgments on the overall film from these spy shots.  It would be foolish to do so.  I mean I understand the apprehension when it comes to this production due to the prequels and the poor quality of them.  But at the same time I am willing to wait and see the finished product before completely writing it off.

I think sometimes the fans can really be their own worst enemies.  I am all for being apprehensive when it comes to this production as I know I am.  But I think making judgments on this film based solely on these photos is ill advised at best.

With that said, if you are even remotely interested in this film, please feel free to check out the images at the above link.  Many Lucasfilm crew members have been fired or, at best, yelled at to bring you this information.


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